Our Services

  • Research

    We conduct market research for gaining complete understanding into the eco-system, the consumer...
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  • Strategy and Business Support Services

    At the strategy level we work with our clients as partners, working on solutions, building their...
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  • IT Services & Development

    We provide cutting edge IT Services & help our customers to design their IT solutions the way ...
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  • Masterful Sales Expertise and Mentorship

    We at Savant help Ideas to become scalable solutions. We bring all the building blocks for...
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  • Integrated Marketing Communication

    We develop integrated marketing communications services strategies that result in revenue...
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  • Drones and Tactical Unmanned Air Systems

    We Savant Solutions have ventured into providing drone solutions in India. We have partnered with...
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  • Environment and sustainability consulting

    We Savant Solutions are also supporting and assisting the businesses in environment and sustainability...
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  • Training and Skill Development

    We offer a unique set of training to organizations and professionals both in development and corporate sectors...
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  • Social Business and CSR Consulting

    We help organisations in development of new social business approaches based on existing abilities...
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  • Overseas Education Support

    Savant Solutions is official partner to Kobe Institute of Computing (https://www.kic.ac.jp/eng/) in developing human resources of India...
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Recent News


Press Release

Date 26 April 2021

It is to announce that “Komon Smarttrade Private Limited” a Technology Venture specializing in Indian Stock Trading Algorithm System using AI and Machine Learning technology is launched as a Joint Venture between Savant Solutions of India and Keitaiichiba Inc of Japan.

The Trading Algorithm’s (Strategy’s) will be made available to users and corporate clients for Daily Trading (Day-Trade) based on Investment Strategies devised by our financial experts with over close to 25+ years in managing Stocks for various clients as benchmark.
